H O L Y    I C O N O G R A P H Y    I N S T R U C T I O N



Under the direction of Master Iconographer Magdalene Grace Deane,

The Hagia Theodora School of Byzantine Iconography is proud to present:


 I N T R O D U C T O R Y   H O L Y   I C O N O G R A P H Y  W O R K S H O P S:




T H E   HO L Y   I C O N O G R A P H Y   A P P R E N T I C E   P R O G R A M




A Complete Preparation for the Vocation of Iconographer.

 A program that aims to reproduce the setting of the long-revered tradition where Master Iconographers “hand down” the techniques, the method and the theological/symbolic understanding of icon writing to future generations.


Potential apprentices are required to be under regular spiritual direction from a pastor or other clerical mentor. The student must show willingness and ability to devoting time, service, attention to prayer, perform work shop studies, and complete home study exercises.  


Icon Hermeneia collectively sketched by the Apprentices

Students will participate in:   


Byzantine Icon Writing, Sketching, Painting and Scribing  


Egg Tempera and Natural Pigment Formulation/Application


Gilding, Burnishing and Varnish Application


Wooden Panel Preparation


Restoration and Conservation of Frescoes and Panel Icons


Theology and Iconology  

Askesis  (to Enhance Prayer, Awareness and Fasting)


Etiquette and Protochol for Working with Clergy and other Church Officials


Iconography Apprentice candidates interested in the program should contact Hand Magdalene

via email and include:    

  • sampling of artistic ability, in sketched or painted form (JPEG format)  

  •  History of artistic/creative endeavors and church/civic volunteer service or leadership

  •   A letter of reference from their pastor or other clerical mentor  


E M A I L   H E R E   T O   C O N T A C T   I C O N O G R A P H E R   M A G D A L E N E